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Friday, November 21, 2014

Weymouth Family History Howland, Maine

Written By Joan Merrill

The town of Howland has been the home of Weymouth families since about 1872. Albert Weymouth came to Howland from North Howland where he lived with his family on what is known as the “Hamet” place which was destroyed many years ago. He built the large white victorian style house, carriage house and barn on Penobscot Avenue. Five generations of Weymouth's occupied the home over the years. Merle Weymouth Jr. and his wife with six children lived there until they moved to Edinburgh in 1967. George and Millie Dunn purchased the home that same year. When Merle Jr. passed away suddenly at the age of 47, Millie and George, in a unprecedented show of love and consideration, asked the family to accept their offer of their home for Buds service, in keeping with the long line of Weymouth's kin whose services have been held there. The family will never forget their many kindnesses at this very tragic time for us and their restoration of the old home is a continuing joy to us who trace our beginnings to it.

The Weymouth stores began with a small building near where the ferry was. Albert H. Weymouth, my great grandfather started it all. This little business was mostly rum and tobacco, and I am told that when he built the large general store on main street, it was his custom of giving the men of the family a dipper of rum or some tobacco when the seasonal bill was paid to him. Mrytie Blake, later Mrs. Osborne York, was his bookkeeper at one time, and a lady named Maggie Turner also worked in the store, as well as family members. Alberts son, Fred Weymouth 1st operated the store after his fathers death, which occurred suddenly when he was at work at his desk.
Albert's brother Henry Weymouth was also in business further north on main street at the location now known as Sereyko's store. Here Henry Weymouth had an Inn and behind that a livery stable where he rented horses and equipment. Across the driveway was a large dance hall, also owned by Henry who later in years converted the building into apartments. The building was torn down in the late 1940's.

Albert H. Weymouth also served as postmaster for Howland for three terms, 1870, 1890 and 1897.
The building known as the T&K was used for storing lumber as well as the old Russel building across the street. On this side of the street, family holdings also included the large corner lot where the new clothing store was to be built about 1923, and a large lot on which the town hall was built, the land being leased to the town by Albert H. Weymouth.
When the large modern clothing store was built across the street from the General Store, the latest and finest of fittings were put into it and it must have been quite a remarkable addition to the town. Fred M. Weymouth and son Merle senior worked as a partnership here until the death of Fred Weymouth in 1945. His son then became sole owner.
Merle Sr. and his southern bride Gladys Weaver, had come to Howland after Merle's World War I duties as an acting Captain were finished. He was with the 51st Pioneer infantry and served in the Meuse Argonne, St. MiHiel and Chateau Thierry in France, and was one of the first in Legion post here.
The old General store became the hardware store. Grandfather used to relate many tales of the days when molasses was pumped from a barrel, peanuts were kept in a basket hung above the counter. The local townsmen gathered by the potbellied stove to swap tall tales.
Fred was a man of sincere honesty, very dry humor, truly a man whose word was his bond. I have heard tell of the time a customer was admiring a new fancy clay pipe, he remarked, “I guess you'd probably take a man's last cent for that!” My grandfather reportedly said, “yes, I guess I would.” The customer slapped a penny on the counter and said, “there she be”, and my granddad gave him the pipe. These were timeswhen there was considerable business from the lumbering camps and there were supplies for every need of the farmer and woodsmen.
The hardware store was managed at one time by Carl Lancaster with Bernard Carver, and Stan Burgoyne, who as a boy got his early training in the clothing store. Burgoyne and Carver ran the store until Stan began his own business in West Enfield.
The clothing and drygoods store, outfitters to the family, was owned and operated by Fred Weymouth the 1st and son Merle Sr. Merle Sr. assumed the business after his father passed away in 1945. Over the yearshis help included Cora Leavitt, Dorothy Burgoyne and Glenna Sage Leavitt who managed the ladies wear with the help of some girls for part and full time. The girls were Jennie Knowlton, Maxine Swett, Betty Bolster, Geneva Saucier, Florine Robbins and the relationships we enjoyed with these wonderful people will be among my best memory. Ann Merrill, my mother in law, was one of the last ladies wear managers and worked there until the store closed in 1960.                            

When the Christmas season arrived, the activity was something to observe as the gift wares and toys were marked and finally, until late at night before the grand opening of the season, all was readied, and the children next day roamed up and down the aisles before and after school to examine the wonders that are so common all year round today that the season loses something of its wonder.
When Merle Jr. Cp US Marine Corp, returned from service, where he had seen action in Tarawa, Saipan, was wounded, returned home and went to work for his father in the clothing store. At about the time, Elbridge Merril, son in law of Merle Sr. returned from the service as a radioman 3rd class, where he had seen action aboard the battleship Texas in Europe and on a destroyer in the Pacific ocean., he then became manager of the hardware store. Merle Jr and Elbridge both managed to get a year in at Husson College while working part time at the store. Upon the death of Merle Sr. the stores were bought by Merle Jr and Elbridge and were operated until 1960 when economic conditions due to several mill closings made it feasible for the families to close both businesses. The stores were eventually sold to Fred Hallet who started his own business dealing in second hand items, doors, windows, furniture, kitchen cabinets. Fred sold the buildings after many years and they were then converted to apartments.

January 26, 1976 for the Howland Bicentenial.

Written by Joan Merrill...More history of Howland, Maine

Joan is doing well and living at Cummings Health Care in Howland.



  1. Thank you so much, Aunt Jo, for writing up this summary!

  2. And thank you Dick Buck for posting it!
